Pablo García
Prof. Pablo García
Received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and control from the University of Oviedo, Gijon, Spain, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. In 2004, he was a Visitor Scholar with Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium, University of Madison-Wisconsin, Madison. He is member of IEEE since 2009. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, University of Oviedo. During many years he worked in alternating-current (ac) drives, sensorless control, ac machines diagnostics, magnetic bearings and signal processing.
Curriculum Vitae
B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering, The University of Oviedo, Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijon, Spain.
Specialized in Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, The University of Oviedo, Spain, PhD. Thesis: “Control and Diagnostic of AC Machines by Tracking of Spatial Saliencies”
Stays in other universities
2013 Visiting Professor at The University of Nottingam (UK).
During this research stay, working with the PEMC research group within the Energy and Microgrid research team coordinated by Professor Mark Sumner, investigations on the use of energy storage systems in grid-tied applications and grid-impedance estimation were conducted.2004 Visiting Scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Predoctoral stay at the WEMPEC consortium under the guidance of Professor Robert D. Lorenz for the use of structured neural networks applied to secondary saturation-induced saliences in induction machines self-sensing techniquesMemberhips: IEEE Industry Applications, Power Electronics and Industrial Electronics
Coordinator of the EMMC STEPS during 5 years
Expert for the Energy commission in the Challenges program (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness)
Founder of Enfasys start-up
Reviewer of several international journals (IEEE Industry Applications, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics)
Principal Investigator in European and Spanish projects.
“Detección de fallos en motores auxiliares de la central térmica de Aboño (DARMA)”, referencia: CN-04-099.
Entidad financiadora: Hicrocantábrico Generación S.A.
Entidades participantes: Hicrocantábrico Generación S.A., Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración: Abril de 2004-Diciembre de 2006.
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz del Blanco.
“Estimación de velocidad/posición en accionamientos eléctricos de alterna mediante el rastreo de sapiencias espaciales (CVS)”, referencia: DPI2004-00527.
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Programa Nacional de I+D orientada, Programa Nacional de Diseño y Producción Industrial.
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración: 13 de Diciembre de 2004 hasta 13 de Diciembre de 2007.
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz del Blanco.
“Desarrollo de un equipo transelevador en material ligero. Optimización de la operación”, referencia: CN-06-098
Tipo de contrato: Contrato Directo
Empresa/Administración financiadora: Felguera Tecnologías de la Información.
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Oviedo e Felguera Tecnologías de la Información
Duración: desde Julio de 2006 hasta Julio de 2007
Investigador responsable: Juan Manuel Guerrero Muñoz
“Monitorización y supervisión de la línea de colada continua de la acería LD-A”, referencia: CN-04-099.
Entidad financiadora: Arcelor España S.A.
Entidades participantes: Arcelor España S.A., Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración: Enero de 2007-Diciembre de 2007.
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz del Blanco.
“Control sin sensor de un sistema de almacenamiento de energía cinético (SCKS)”, Referencia: ENE2007-67842-C03-01/CON
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Programa Nacional de I+D orientada, Programa Nacional de Energía.
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Oviedo. Proyecto coordinado con TECNUN y CEIT.
Duración, desde: 1 de Octubre de 2007 hasta: 30 de Septiembre de 2010
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz del Blanco
“Ingeniería y puesta en marcha de la ampliación del sistema de monitorización y supervisión de las líneas de colada continua de la LDA”, Referencia FUO-EM-167-07
Empresa/Administración financiadora: Arcelor España S.A.
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Oviedo y Arcelor España S.A.
Duración: desde Agosto de 2007 hasta Marzo de 2008
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz del Blanco
“Monitorización y supervisión de la línea de colada continua”, Referencia: CN-08-093-IE07-113A
Entidad financiadora: Arcelor España, Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (PCTI) de Asturias 2006-2009.
Entidades participantes: Arcelor España, Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración, desde: 26/03/2008 hasta: 26/09/2008
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz
“Desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico de motores eléctricos de inducción trifásicos empleados en máquinas de ferrocarril (ADWINA)”, Referencia: FUO-EM-155-09
Entidad financiadora: ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A.
Entidades participantes: ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A. y Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración, desde: 08/03/2009 hasta: 18/09/2009
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz, Pablo García Fernández
“Desarrollo de un sistema para la mejora de la eficiencia energética de motores de inducción trifásicos alimentados desde la red”, Referencia: FUO-EM-047-10
Entidad financiadora: Gamesa S.A.U.
Entidades participantes: Gamesa S.A.U. y Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración, desde: 3/2010 hasta: 8/2010
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz, Pablo García, Juan Manuel Guerrero, David Díaz-Reigosa
“Desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico de motores eléctricos de inducción trifásicos empleados en máquinas de ferrocarril (Adwina-Fase 2)”, Referencia: FUO-EM-254-10
Entidad financiadora: ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A.
Entidades participantes: ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A. y Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración, desde: 7/2010 hasta: 6/2011
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz, Pablo García Fernández
“Advanced Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Devices for Rational Use of Energy (RUE)”, Referencia: CSD2009-00046
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010
Entidades participantes: CSIC-CNM, Universidad de Oviedo, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad de Zaragoza, UPM, UPC, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Fundación Robotiker.
Duración, 2009 hasta 2013
Investigador responsable: José Millán Gómez
“Minimizing Energy Loss in Hot Rolling by Intelligent Manufacturing (HR Energy Control)”, Referencia: RFS-PR-09054
Entidad financiadora: European Comisión- Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS).
Entidades participantes: Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques, Arcelor Mittal España S.A., VDEh-Betriebforschungsinstitut GMBH, Universidad de Oviedo
Duración: 01 de Julio de 2010 hasta 30 de Junio de 2013
Investigador responsable Universidad de Oviedo: Fernando Briz
“Technologies for medium voltage 3-phase SiC power converters (MEVSiC)”, Referencia: ENE2010-14941
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Plan Nacional Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, Programa Nacional de Energía.
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Oviedo.
Duración, desde: 1 de Enero de 2011 hasta: 31 de Diciembre de 2013
Investigador responsable: Fernando Briz del Blanco
“Diagnóstico de Generadores Síncronos de Imanes Permanentes mediante Convertidores Full Converter”, Referencia: FUO-EM-219-11
Entidad financiadora: Gamesa Innovation and Technology S.L.
Entidades participantes: Fundación Universidad de Oviedo, Universidad de Oviedo, Gamesa Innovation and Technology S.L..
Duración, desde: 5 de Agosto de 2011 hasta: 4 de Mayo de 2012
Investigador responsable: Pablo García Fernández, Fernando Briz del Blanco
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Robert .D. Lorenz, “Comparison of Saliency-Based Sensorless Control Techniques for AC Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 40, nº 4, pp. 1107-1115, Jul. 2004. 2005 IEEE IAS Transactions Third Prize Paper Award.
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Juan M. Guerrero, “Rotor Position Estimation of AC Machines Using the Zero Sequence Carrier Signal Voltage”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 41 nº 6, pp. 1637-1646, Nov. 2005.
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Alberto .B. Diez, “Rotor and Flux Position Estimation in Delta-Connected AC Machines Using the Zero Sequence Carrier Signal Current”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 42, nº 2, pp. 495-503, Mar. 2006.
Pablo García, Fernando Briz, Dejan Raca, Robert D. Lorenz, “Saliency Tracking-Based, Sensorless Control of AC Machines using Structured Neural Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 43, nº 1, pp. 77-86, Jan. 2007.
Pablo García, Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, David Díaz-Reigosa, “Accuracy and Bandwidth Limits of Carrier Signal Injection-Based Sensorless Control Methods”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 43, nº 4, pp. 990-1000, Sep. 2007.
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, David Bragado, “Broken Rotor Bar Detection in Line-fed Induction Machines Using Complex Wavelet Analysis of Startup Transients”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 44, nº 3, pp. 760-768, May. 2008
David Reigosa, Pablo García, Dejan Raca, Fernando Briz, Robert D. Lorenz, “Measurement and Adaptive Decoupling of Cross-Saturation Effects and Secondary Saliencies in Sensorless-Controlled IPM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.: 44, nº 6, pp. 1758-1767, Dec. 2008.
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Alberto B. Diez, “High Frequency Carrier Signal Voltage Selection for Stator Winding Fault Diagnosis in Inverter-Fed AC Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.: 55, nº 12, pp. 4181-4190, Dec. 2008.
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Juan M. Guerrero, Pablo García, “Diagnostics of Induction Machines Operated from Inverters and Soft-Starters Using High Frequency Negative Sequence Currents”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 45, nº 5, pp. 167-178, Sep. 2009
David Reigosa, Pablo García, Fernando Briz, Dejan Raca, Robert D. Lorenz, “Modeling and Adaptive Decoupling of Transient Resistance and Temperature Effects in Carrier-Based Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol46, nº 1, pp. 139- 149, Jan. 2010
Dejan Raca, Pablo García, David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, and Robert D. Lorenz, “Carrier Signal Selection for Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines at Zero and Very Low Speeds”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 46, nº 1, pp. 139- 149, Jan. 2010
David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Pablo García, Juan M. Guerrero and Michael Degner, “Magnet Temperature Estimation in Surface PM Machines Using High Frequency Signal Injection”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 46, nº 4, pp. 1468-1475, Jul. 2010
Pablo García, Juan M. Guerrero, Fernando Briz and David Reigosa, “Sensorless Control of Three-Pole Active Magnetic Bearings Using Saliency-tracking Based Methods”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 46, nº 4, pp. 1476-1484, Jul. 2010
Pablo Arboleya, David Reigosa, Pablo García, Juan M. Guerrero, Fernando Briz, C. Gonzalez-Moran and J. Gomez Aleixandre, “An improved control scheme based in droop characteristic for microgrid converters”, Elsevier – Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 80, nº 10, pp. 1215-1221, Oct. 2010
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Alberto Diez, “Rotor Fault Detection in Line-fed Induction Machines Using Complex Wavelet Analysis of Startup Transients”, book title: Fault detection, IN-TECH, pp. 325-342, 2010
Garcia, P. ; Guerrero, J.M. ; El-Sayed Mahmoud, I. ; Briz, F. ; Reigosa, D.D., “Impact of Saturation, Current Command Selection, and Leakage Flux on the Performance of Sensorless-Controlled Three-Pole Active Magnetic Bearings”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 47, nº 4, 2011.
David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Juan Manuel Guerrero, “Temperature Issues in Saliency-Tracking Based Sensorless Methods for PM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 47, nº 3, 2011.
Reigosa, D.D. ; Briz, F. ; Charro, C.B. ; Garcia, P. ; Guerrero, J.M., “Active Islanding Detection Using High-Frequency Signal Injection”. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 48, nº 5, 2012.
F. Briz, P. Garcia, M. Degner, D. Diaz-Reigosa, and J.M. Guerrero, “Dynamic behavior of current controllers for selective harmonic compensation in three-phase active power filters,” in Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 49, Issue 3. pp. 1411-1420.
Pablo García, David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Christian Blanco, Juan M. Guerrero, “Sensorless control of surface permanent magnet synchronous machines using the high frequency resistance”. 2011. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Phoenix, Arizona
David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Christian Blanco, Pablo Garcia and Juan Manuel Guerrero, “Active Islanding Detection Using High Frequency Signal Injection”. 2011. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Phoenix, Arizona
David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo Garcia and Juan Manuel Guerrero, “Magnet Temperature Estimation in Surface PM Machines During Six-Step Operation”. 2011. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Phoenix, Arizona
Fernando Briz, David Reigosa, Pablo Garcia, Michael W. Degner and Juan M. Guerrero, “Dynamic Behavior of Current Controllers for Selective Harmonic Compensation in Three-Phase Active Power Filters”. 2011. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Phoenix, Arizona
Pablo Garcia, Fernando Briz, David Reigosa, Christian Blanco and Juan M. Guerrero, “On the use of high frequency inductance vs. high frequency resistance for sensorless control of AC machines”. 2011. 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2011) 1st – 2nd September 2011, Birmingham, UK
Pablo García; Juan M. Guerrero; Islam El-Sayed; Fernando Briz; David Reigosa, “Impact of Saturation and Current Command Selection on the Performance of Sensorless Controlled Three-Pole Active Magnetic Bearings”. 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia.
David Reigosa; Fernando Briz; Michael W. Degner; Juan M. Guerrero; Pablo García, “Temperature Issues in Saliency-Tracking Based Sensorless Methods for PM Synchronous Machines”. 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. 01/09/2010.
Pablo García; Juan M. Guerrero; Islam El-Sayed; Fernando Briz; David Reigosa, “Carrier Signal Injection Alternatives for Sensorless Control of Active Magnetic Bearings”, First IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED). Padova, Italia. 01/07/2010
David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Juan Manuel Guerrero, “Analysis of grid connected converters using a feed-forward disturbance decoupling current control“, IEEE International Power Electronics Conference IPEC’10, pp. 2976-2983, Sapporo-Japan, 21-24 June 2010
Fernando Briz, David Diaz-Reigosa, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, Juan Manuel Guerrero, “Current sampling and measurement in PWM operated AC drives and power converters”, IEEE International Power Electronics Conference IPEC’10, pp. 2753-2760, Sapporo-Japan, 21-24 June 2010
David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Pablo Garcia, Juan M. Guerrero and Michael Degner, “Magnet Temperature Estimation in Surface PM Machines Using High Frequency Signal Injection”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition ECCE’09, San Jose-EEUU, 20-24 Sept. 2009
Pablo Garcia, Juan M. Guerrero, Fernando Briz and David Reigosa, “Sensorless Control of Three-Pole Active Magnetic Bearings Using Saliency-tracking Based Methods”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition ECCE’09, San Jose-EEUU, 20-24 Sept. 2009
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Juan M. Guerrero, Pablo García, “Diagnostics of Induction Machines Operated from Inverters and Soft-Starters Using High Frequency Negative Sequence Currents” , IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Edmonton-Canada, Oct. 2008
Dejan Raca, Pablo García, David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, and Robert D. Lorenz, “Carrier Signal Selection for Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines at Zero and Very Low Speeds” , IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Edmonton-Canada, Oct. 2008
David Reigosa, Pablo García, Fernando Briz, Dejan Raca, Robert D. Lorenz, “Modeling and Adaptive Decoupling of Transient Resistance and Temperature Effects in Carrier-based Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Edmonton-Canada, Oct. 2008.
Dejan Raca, Pablo García, David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, and Robert D. Lorenz, “A Comparative Analysis of Pulsating vs. Rotating Vector Carrier Signal Injection-Based Sensorless Control”, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition APEC 2008, Austin, Texas, EE.UU., Feb. 2008, pp:879 – 885.
David Reigosa, Pablo García, Dejan Raca, Fernando Briz, Robert D. Lorenz, “Measurement and Adaptive Decoupling of Cross-Saturation Effects and Secondary Saliencies in Sensorless-Controlled IPM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans-EEUU, Sept. 2007.
Fernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Pablo García, David Bragado, “Broken Rotor Bar Detection in Line-fed Induction Machines Using Complex Wavelet Analysis of Startup Transients”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans-EEUU, Sept. 2007.
Pablo García, David Reigosa, Fernando Briz, Dejan Raca, Robert D. Lorenz, “Automatic Self-Commissioning for Secondary-Saliencies Decoupling in Sensorless-Controlled AC Machines Using Structured Neural Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE’07, Vigo-Spain, Junio 2007
Pablo García, F. Briz, M.W. Degner, D. Díaz-Reigosa, “Accuracy and Bandwidth Limits of Carrier Signal Injection-Based Sensorless Control Methods”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2006, Tampa, USA, Oct. 2006. Second Prize Paper Award from the Industrial Drives Committee.
Pablo García, F. Briz, D. Raca, R.D. Lorenz, “Saliency Tracking-Based, Sensorless Control of AC Machines Using Structured Neural Networks” , IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2005, Hong Kong, China, Oct. 2005.
F. Briz, M.W. Degner, P. García, A. Diez, “Induction Machine Diagnostics Using Zero Sequence Components”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2005, Hong Kong, China, Oct. 2005.
F. Briz, M.W. Degner, P. García, A.B. Diez, “Rotor and Flux Position Estimation in Delta-Connected AC Machines Using the Zero Sequence Carrier Signal Current”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2005, Hong Kong, China, Oct. 2005.
P. García, F. Briz, M.W. Degner, A. Diez, “Diagnostics of Induction Machines Using the Zero Sequence Voltage” . IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2004, Seattle, USA, Oct. 2004.
F. Briz, M.W. Degner, P. García, J.M. Guerrero, “Rotor Position Estimation of AC Machines Using the Zero Sequence Carrier Signal Voltage”. IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2004, Seattle, USA, Oct. 2004.
F. Briz, M.W. Degner, P. García, A. Diez, “Transient Operation of Carrier Signal Injection Based Sensorless Techniques”. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Meeting IECON’2003, CD-ROM, Roanoke, USA, Nov. 2003.
F. Briz, M.W. Degner, P. García, R.D. Lorenz, “Comparison of Saliency-Based Sensorless Control Techniques for AC Machines”. IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS’2003, CD-ROM, Salt Lake City, USA, Oct. 2003.
Curso 2012-2013
Automatización y Control – Grado Bilingüe
Introducción a los Sistemas de Potencia de Energías Renovables, Tracción Eléctrica y Eficiencia Energética – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Control of Electromechanical Systems – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Hybrid Control Systems – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Digital Signal Processing and Communications – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Control y Monitorización de Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica Renovable- Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
FACTS y HVDC – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Simulación Aplicada a Vehículos Híbridos/Eléctricos – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Curso 2011-2012
Automatización y Control – Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
Introducción a los Sistemas de Potencia de Energías Renovables, Tracción Eléctrica y Eficiencia Energética – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Control of Electromechanical Systems – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Hybrid Control Systems – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Digital Signal Processing and Communications – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Laboratory – Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Control y Monitorización de Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica Renovable- Master Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems
Curso 2010-2011
Informática Industrial – Ingeniería Técnica Industrial
Regulación Automática – Ingeniería Técnica Industrial
Control y Supervisión de Accionamientos Eléctricos – Máster Universitario Control de Procesos, Electrónica Industrial e Ingeniería Eléctrica
Automatización y Control – Curso de Adaptación al grado (IIMECA01)
Curso 2009-2010
Informática Industrial – Ingeniería Técnica Industrial
Supervisión y Control de Procesos- Ingeniería Técnica Informática
Curso 2008-2009
Informática Industrial – Ingeniería Técnica Industrial
Supervisión y Control de Procesos- Ingeniería Técnica Informática
Curso 2007-2008
Informática Industrial- Ingeniería Técnica Informática
Informática Industrial – Ingeniería Técnica Industrial
Regulación y control de máquinas navales – Licenciado en máquinas navales
Supervisión y Control de Procesos- Ingeniería Técnica Informática
Dirección: Dpto. de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Campus de Viesques, 2.1.03 33204, Gijón, Spain
Teléfono: +34 985182538
Fax: +34 985182068