Pablo Arboleya

Professor Lemur

Pablo Arboleya Arboleya

Associate professor at Electrical Engineering Dept. (University of Oviedo)
Co-founder of Plexigrid
Co-founder of LEMUR Research Group
Holder of the Smart Cities Chair funded by the city of Gijón
General Chair of the IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC’2020)
Coordinator of the “Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Sustainable Transportation and Power Systems” (STEPS)

Institutional profile at the University of Oviedo Repository
ResearchGate profile.
LinkedIN profile.
Google Scholar profile.
ORCID reference: 0000-0002-4283-448X
Scopus reference: 6506901104


Short CV

Pablo Arboleya received the M.Eng and Ph.D. (with distinction) degrees from the University of Oviedo, Gijon, Spain un 2001 and 2005 respectively, both in electrical engineering. Nowadays, he works as an associate professor at the University of Oviedo. He was visiting professor at institutions like University of Illinois, University of British Columbia, University of Rome (La Sapienza) and Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris) among others. He is co-founder of the LEMUR research group in which he carries out his research activities related to energy management and operation of electrical systems and modeling and analysis of electrical power systems systems.

Pablo is holding the SmartCities Chair at University of Oviedo funded by the city of Gijón. Aligned with the target of this chair he participated in the development of the Gijón DemoLab in which an IoT infrastructure at city level is being tested and developed. He is also co-founder of Plexigrid, a technology-driven company, that develops software tools specially designed for grid operators, aggregators and energy communities.

Regarding his editorial role, since 2015, he is managing editor of the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems from ELSEVIER a top ranked journal in the power systems field, and associated editor of eTransportation journal, a newly created magazine that aims to be ELSEVIER’s flagship for transport electrification in which he has participated since its very conception in 2019.

At the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) level, he has been an active member since 2003 (senior member since 2013). Pablo is vice-chair of the IEEE Ad’hoc Committee for Electrical Railway Systems, vice-chair of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Spanish Chapter and General Chair of the IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC’2020) that will be celebrated in Gijón in October 2020.

About his teaching activities, it has to be remarked that he was one of the designers of the Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems (EECPS) Master Course at the University of Oviedo and the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems (STEPS) financed by the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and tough by a consortia formed by the University of Oviedo, University of Nottingham, Coimbra Institute of Engineering and University of Rome (La Sapienza). He coordinated the EECPS from 2011 to 2015. Currently, and since 2015, he is coordinating the STEPS programme.






P. de Arquer, M.A. Fernandez, J.L. Carús, P. Arboleya, “An IoT Open Source Platform for Photovoltaic Plants Supervision“, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Accepted for publication).

Domínguez, P. Mantilla, N. Gimenez, I. El-Sayed, M.A. Díaz, P. Arboleya, “Development of a Computer Platform for Visualization and Simulation of Vehicular DC Distribution Systems”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 2020 (Accepted for publication)

J. Leiva, J.A. Aguado, A. Paredes, P. Arboleya, Data-Driven Flexibility Prediction in Low Voltage Power Networks, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Accepted for publication).

C. Mayét, P. Arboleya, A. Bouscayrol, B. Mohamed, P. Delarue, I. El-Sayed, “Non-linear SwitchedModel for AccurateVoltage Estimation andPower Flow Analysis of DC Railway Systems”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 2020 (Accepted for publication)

P. Arboleya, C. Mayet, B. Mohamed, J.A. Aguado, S. de la Torre, A Review of Railway Feeding Infrastructures: Mathematical Models for Planning and Operation, eTransportation, (Accepted for publication)

P. Mantilla-Perez, J.A. Perez-Rua, M.A. Diaz-Millan, X. Dominguez, P. Arboleya, “Power Flow Simulation in the Product Development Process of Modern Vehicular DC Distribution Systems”, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 5025-5040, May 2020. doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.2983288

X. Dominguez, P. Mantilla-Perez and P. Arboleya, “Toward Smart Vehicular dc Networks in the Automotive Industry: Process, computational tools, and trends in the design and simulation of vehicle electrical distribution systems,” in IEEE Electrification Magazine, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 61-68, March 2020.

A. Koirala, L. Suárez, B. Mohamed, P. Arboleya, “Non-Synthetic European Low Voltage Test System”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 118, 2020, ISSN 0142-0615.

P. Arboleya, B. Mohamed, I. El-Sayed, “Off-board and On-board Energy storage Vs. Reversible Substations in DC Railway Traction Systems” in IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, vol 10 no2 pp 185-195 6 2020, doi: 10.1049/iet-est.2019.0022.


P. Arboleya, I. El-Sayed, B. Mohamed and C. Mayet, “Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of On-board Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Railway Applications” in Energies, vol. 12, no 11, article number 2199, 2019 doi: 10.3390/en12112199

P. Arboleya, A. Koirala, L. Suárez, B. Mohamed and C. González-Morán, Impact Evaluation of the New Self-Consumption Spanish Scenario on the Low-Voltage Terminal Distribution Network, in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 7230-7239, Nov.-Dec. 2019.

B. Mohamed, P. Arboleya, I. El-Sayed and C. González-Morán, High-Speed 2 x 25 kV Traction System Model and Solver for Extensive Network Simulations, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 3837-3847, Sept. 2019.

Seminario-García, A.; González-Morán, C.; Arboleya, P. Stepped Leader Progression and Speed Evolution in a Thunderstorm: Theoretical Model. Energies 2019, 12, 2507. doi:10.3390/en12132507


P. Arboleya, B. Mohamed and I. El-Sayed, “DC Railway Simulation Including Controllable Power Electronic and Energy Storage Devices,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 5319-5329, Sept. 2018. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2801023

Cristina González-Morán, Pablo Arboleya, Rejwan R. Mojumdar, Bassam Mohamed, “4-Node Test Feeder with Step Voltage Regulators”,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 94, 2018, Pages 245-255, ISSN 0142-0615, doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2017.06.027.

Rodriguez, J.; Fernandez, F.; Arboleya, P. Study of the Architecture of a Smart City. MDPI Proceedings 2018, 2(23), 1485;


B. Mohamed, P. Arboleya and C. González-Morán, “Modified Current Injection Method for Power Flow Analysis in Heavy-Meshed DC Railway Networks With Nonreversible Substations,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 7688-7696, Sept. 2017. doi: 10.1109/TVT.2017.2687061

P. Arboleya, “Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for Multirate Railway Traction Systems Analysis,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 2575-2580, Sept. 2017.doi: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2633390

Pablo Arboleya, Pablo Garcia, Bassam Mohamed, Cristina Gonzalez-Moran, “Distributed resources coordination inside nearly-zero energy buildings providing grid voltage support from a symmetrical component perspective”, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 144, March 2017, Pages 208-214, ISSN 0378-7796

Cristina Gonzalez-Moran, Pablo Arboleya, Bassam Mohamed, “Matrix Backward Forward Sweep for Unbalanced Power Flow in αβ0 frame”, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 148, July 2017, Pages 273-281, ISSN 0378-7796


P. García, P. Arboleya, B. Mohamed and A. A. C. Vega, “Implementation of a Hybrid Distributed/Centralized Real-Time Monitoring System for a DC/AC Microgrid With Energy Storage Capabilities,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1900-1909, Oct. 2016.

P. Arboleya, P. Bidaguren and U. Armendariz, “Energy Is On Board: Energy Storage and Other Alternatives in Modern Light Railways,” in IEEE Electrification Magazine, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 30-41, Sept. 2016. doi: 10.1109/MELE.2016.2584938


Arboleya, P., Mohamed, B., Gonzalez-Moran, C., El-Sayed I., “BFS Algorithm for VoltageConstrained Meshed DC Traction Networks With Non-smooth Voltage-Dependent Loads and Generators” Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 31, 2015, Pages 1526 1536, DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2420574

Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, M., Falvo, M.C., Martirano, L., Sbordone, D., Bertini, I., Di Pietra, B., “Efficient Energy Management in Smart Micro-Grids: ZERO Grid Impact Buildings” Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 6, February 2015, Pages 1055-1063, ISSN 1949-3053

Coto, M., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Arboleya, P., “On the Use of Graph Theory for Railway Power Supply Systems Characterization” Intelligent Industrial Systems, Avialable on line 28 May 2015, DOI 10.1007/s40903-015-0007-8


Arboleya, P., Coto, M., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Arregui, R., “On board accumulator model for power flow studies in DC traction networks” Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 116, November 2014, Pages 266-275, ISSN 0378-7796

Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, M., “Modeling FACTS for power flow purposes: A common framework”        International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 63, December 2014, Pages 293-301.

Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, M., “Unbalanced power flow in distribution systems with embedded transformers using the complex theory in alpha-beta-0 stationary reference frame” Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 29, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1012 – 1022.


Coto, M., Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., “Optimization approach to unified AC/DC power flow applied to traction systems with catenary voltage constraints” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 53, December 2013, Pages 434-441.


Alvarez, E., Campos, AM., Arboleya, P., Gutierrez, AJ. “Microgrid management with a quick response optimization algorithm for active power dispatch” (2012) International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 43 (1), pp. 465-473.

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Coto, M. “Unified AC/DC Power Flow for Traction Systems: A New Concept” (2012) Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 2421-2430.


Arboleya, P., Coto, M., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Reigosa, D.D. “A semiconductor H-bridge connection to avoid saturation in current transformers for differential protection” (2011) Electric Power Systems Research, 84 (1), pp. 120-127.


Arboleya, P., Diaz, D., Guerrero, J.M., Garcia, P., Briz, F., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez Aleixandre, J. “An improved control scheme based in droop characteristic for microgrid converters” (2010) Electric Power Systems Research, 80 (10), pp. 1215-1221.


Diaz, G., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Characterization of flux rotation and of the ensuing core losses in the stator of induction motors” (2008) IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 23 (1), pp. 34-41.


Diaz, G.; Gonzalez-Moran, C.; Arboleya, P.; Gomez-Aleixandre, J.; , “Analytical Interpretation and Quantification of Rotational Losses in Stator Cores of Induction Motors,”Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.43, no.10, pp.3861-3867, Oct. 2007

Diaz, G.; Arboleya, P.; Gonzalez-Moran, C.; Gomez-Aleixandre, J.; , “Revision of the hysteresis and excess loss computation method as a means of improving the rotational loss estimate in induction motors,” Electric Power Applications, IET , vol.1, no.1, pp.75-81, January 2007

Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Decomposition of fault currents in power transformers into suitable sets of components for application to fault characterization and modelling. Part 1: Theory” (2007) Electric Power Systems Research, 77 (3-4), pp. 328-338.


Diaz, G.; Arboleya, P.; Gomez-Aleixandre, J.; , “Analytical approach to internal fault simulation in power transformers based on fault-related incremental currents,” Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on , vol.21, no.1, pp. 142- 149, Jan. 2006

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., Gonzalez-Moran, C. “A solution to the dilemma inrush/fault in transformer differential relaying using MRA and wavelets” (2006) Electric Power Components and Systems, 34 (3), pp. 285-301.

Diaz, G., Diaz, I., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “A novel transformer protection technique and its performance assessment using self-organizing maps” (2006) Engineering Intelligent Systems, 14 (2), pp. 89-97.

Diaz, G., Blanco, I.D., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Zero-sequence-based relaying technique for protecting power transformers and its performance assessment using unsupervised learning ANN” (2006) European Transactions on Electrical Power, 16 (2), pp. 147-160.


Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Tracking space-vector plot asymmetries in transformer differential relaying” (2005) COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 24 (3), pp. 1023-1040.

Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., De Abajo, N. “An algorithm using a shapebased approach in Park’s plane for transformer differential relaying on the basis of timedependent symmetrical components” (2005) Electric Power Systems Research, 73 (3), pp. 295-303.

Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Multiwinding transformer protection applying the delta-relaying concept” (2005) Electric Power Components and Systems, 33 (2), pp. 199-211.

Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “A new transformer differential protection approach on the basis of space-vectors examination” (2005) Electrical Engineering, 87 (3), pp. 129-135.


Diaz, G.; Arboleya, P.; Gomez-Aleixandre, J.; , “Park-based and zero sequence-based relaying techniques with application to transformers protection,” Generation, Transmission and Distribution, IEE Proceedings- , vol.151, no.5, pp. 619- 624, 13 Sept. 2004

Gonzalez, G.D., Fernandez, J.G.-A., Arboleya, P. “Electromagnetic model of turn-to-turn short circuits in transformers” (2004) COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 23 (2), pp. 558-571.

Gonzalez, G.D., Fernandez, J.G.-A., Arboleya, P. “Diagnosis of a turn-to-turn short circuit in power transformers by means of zero sequence current analysis” (2004) Electric Power Systems Research, 69 (2-3), pp. 321-329.




K. Khan, I. El-Sayed, P. Arboleya, “Price and Time-Slot Negotiation Protocol for EVs Charging in Highly Congested Distribution Networks”, 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Gijon, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6., Accepted for publication

I. El-Sayed, B. Mohamed, P. Arboleya, “Web-based Software-Suite for DC Railway Simulation and Analysis: Architecture, Data Management and Visualization”, 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Gijon, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6., Accepted for publication

A. Gancedo, I. El-Sayed, P. Bidaguren, P. Arboleya, “Thermal Analysis in Railway Electrification Systems”, 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Gijon, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6., Accepted for publication

C. Mayet, A. Bouscayrol, P. Arboleya, P. Delarue, B. Mohamed, I. El-Sayed “EMR-based Switched Model of DC Railway Systems Supplied by Reversible Traction Power Substations and Regenerative Trains”, 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Gijon, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6., Accepted for publication

B. Mohamed, I. El-Sayed, P. Arboleya, C. Mayet “Effect of The DC Traction Substations NoLoad Voltage Set Up Over The System Efficiency”, 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Gijon, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6., Accepted for publication

I. El-Sayed, K. Khan, X. Domínguez, P. Arboleya, A Real Pilot-Platform Implementation for Blockchain-Based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading, 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Montreal, Canada, pp. 1-5.


P. Arboleya, B. Mohamed, I. El-Sayed, Peru Bidaguren, D. Rivero, “Software-Based Sizing Procedure of a Real 3kV DC Suburban Railway Feeding Infrastructure”, 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019, pp. 1-6.

C. Mayet, P. Arboleya, A. Bouscayrol, B. Mohamed, P. Delarue, I. El-Sayed, “Different Models for the Simulation of DC Railway Systems supplied by Non-Reversible Substations”, 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019, pp. 1-6.

X. Dominguez, P. Arboleya, P. Mantilla-Perez, N. Gimenez, M.A. Diaz-Millan, “Visual Analytics-Based Computational Tool for Electrical Distribution Systems of Vehicles”, 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019, pp. 1-6.

J. Garcia, P. Arboleya, C. Gonzalez, P. Garcia, M. Perdigao, P.G. Pereirinha, C. Agreira, F.G. Capponi, G. Dedonato, A. Castellazzi, A. Williams “Empowering International, Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary Dimensions in Higher Education: The STEPS and EECPS Master Courses Experience”, 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019, pp. 1-6.

N.V. Linh and P. Arboleya”Deep Learning Application to Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring” 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019, Milan, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-5.


B. Mohamed, I. El-Sayed and P. Arboleya, “DC Railway Infrastructure Simulation Including Energy Storage and Controllable Substations,” 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Chicago, IL, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/VPPC.2018.8605010

P. Arboleya, “State Estimation in Low Voltage Networks Using Smart Meters: Statistical Analysis of the Errors,” 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2018.8585999

V. García, C. González-Morán and P. Arboleya, “Optimal Tap Configuration for Step-Voltage Regulators Applied to Residential Feeders,” 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2018.8586518

J. García, C. González-Morán, P. G. Fernández and P. Arboleya, “Efficiency Comparison in Power Converters Under Transient Operation Conditions: Application to Hybrid Energy Storage Systems,” 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 5344-5350. doi: 10.1109/ECCE.2018.8557625

A. Seminario-García, C. Gonzalez-Moran and P. Arboleya, “Theoretical Model for the Progression of Leader Steppers in a Thundercloud,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Palermo, 2018, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2018.8493835

Anibal Seminario, Cristina González-Morán and Pablo Arboleya, Descendant Step Leader Speed Characterisation in Electric Thunderstorms, 2nd International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Materials and Environmet, 2018, Mieres, Spain, 25-27 July 2018


I. El-Sayed, B. Mohamed and P. Arboleya, “Assessing the Impact of On-Board Storage Systems over the Railway Electrical Infrastructure,” 2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Belfort, 2017, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/VPPC.2017.8330997

P. Arboleya, B. Mohamed, C. Gonzalez-Moran and I. El-Sayed, “BFS algorithm for voltageconstrained meshed DC traction networks with nonsmooth voltage-dependent loads and generators,” 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp.1-1. doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2017.8273774

P. Arboleya, Miguel Huerta, Bassam Mohamed, Cristina Gonzalez-Moran, Xavier Dominguez, “Assessing the Effect of nearly-Zero Energy Buildings on Distribution Systems by Means of Quasi-Static Time Series Power Flow Simulations,” 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.

Hieu Ha Ngoc, Bassam Mohamed, P. Arboleya, “Power flow in DC traction systems considering the embedded model of the trains and their control,” 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society PowerTech Conference (PowerTech), Manchester, UK, 2017, pp. 1-5.


B. Mohamed, P. Arboleya and M. Plakhova, “Current injection based Power Flow Algorithm for bilevel 2x25kV railway systems,” 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, 2016, pp. 1-5. Awarded as Best Papers in the field of Power System Planning and Operation

S. Lakshminarayana, Z. T. Teo, R. Tan, D. K. Y. Yau and P. Arboleya, “On False Data Injection Attacks Against Railway Traction Power Systems,” 2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Toulouse, 2016, pp. 383-394.

P. Arboleya, C. G. M. P. Garcia, J. Garcia and B. Mohamed, “Hierarchical coordination of a hybrid AC/DC smartgrid with central/distributed energy storage,” 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Milwaukee, WI, 2016, pp. 1-7.

E. X. Dominguez and P. Arboleya, “Reliability assessment in photovoltaic nanogrids by means of Principal Components Analysis,” 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, 2016, pp. 1-5.


M. Plakhova, B. Mohamed and P. Arboleya, Static model of a 2x25kV AC traction system, 2015 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 1-5.

M. Plakhova, B. Mohamed and P. Arboleya, Graph theory approach for a 2x25kV AC bivoltage traction system 2015 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 1-5.

Rejwanur M.D., Arboleya P. Step-Voltage Regulator Model Test System IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (IEEE – PES GM’15)- Denver, USA, 26 – 31 July 2015 Awarded in the section of Best Papers in the field of Power System Planning and Operation

Arboleya P., Dominguez E.X., Lorenzo F.M. Unified Generating and Storing Capacity Reliability Evaluation in Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (IEEE – PES GM’15)- Denver, USA, 26 – 31 July 2015

Mohamed, B., Arboleya P.OPGrid: Steady state analysis toolbox for systems with embedded FACTS and Droop-based devices 15. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE – EEEIC)- Rome, Italy, 10 – 13 June 2015

Dominguez, E.X., Arboleya, P., Lorenzo, F.M. Computer tool for assessing the selection of distributed generation systems in NZEB 15. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE – EEEIC)- Rome, Italy, 10 – 13 June 2015


Martirano, L. Falvo, M.C., Sbordone, D., DiPietra, B., Bertini I., Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, M. Zero Network-Impact Buildings and Smart Storage Systems in MicroGrids 13. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) Wroclaw, Poland, 10 – 12 May 2014


Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, M., Garcia, J. Self-Supply and Net Balance: The Spanish Scenario SmartMILE 2013 International Conference on New Concepts in Smart Cities, Gijon, Spain, 11-13 December 2013

Garcia, J., Arboleya, P., Garcia, P. Mastering the Career Development for Smart Electrical Systems: EECPS Master and EMMC STEPS Master SmartMILE 2013 International Conference on New Concepts in Smart Cities, Gijon, Spain, 11-13 December 2013

Mendez-Fuente, M., Alvarez, M.J., Garcia, J., Arboleya, P., Garcia, P., Guerrero, J.M., Gonzalez-Moran, C. Hurdles for an Ubiquitous Electric Vehicle: The Experiences of Project ELEVTRA SmartMILE 2013 International Conference on New Concepts in Smart Cities, Gijon, Spain, 11-13 December 2013

Garcia, J., Garcia, P., Arboleya, P., Guerrero, J.M. Laboratory: A project-based learning example on power electronics 2th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP2013) of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP), Gramado, Brazil, 27-31 October 2013


Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, M., “A hybrid central-distributed control applied to microgrids with droop characteristic based generators,” Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), 2012 15th International , pp. LS7a.5-1,LS7a.5-8, 4-6 Sept. 2012


Arboleya, P., Coto, M., Coto, J., “An improved power transformer design for dynamic voltage restoration applications” CIRED 2011 The 21st Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (2011)


Coto M., Coto J., Arboleya P., “Rogowski Coil Design Optimization for Partial Discharges Detection in Medium Voltage Underground Cables using Self Organizing Maps” Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and Applications (2010)

Reigosa, D., Arboleya, P., Guerrero, J.M., Garcia, P., Briz, F. “Analysis of grid connected converters using a feed-forward disturbance decoupling current control” (2010) 2010 International Power Electronics Conference – ECCE Asia -, IPEC 2010, art. no. 5543717, pp. 2976-2983.

Reigosa, D., Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “An improved control scheme based in droop characteristic control for microgrid converters” (2009) Proceedings – The 12th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2009, art. no. 5382834,


Gonzalez-Moran, C., Arboleya, P., Reigosa, D., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Improved model of photovoltaic sources considering ambient temperature and solar irradiation” (2009) 1st IEEE-PES/IAS Conference on Sustainable Alternative Energy, SAE 2009 – Proceedings, art. no. 5534859,.

Arboleya, P., Diaz, D., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Coto, J., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “An inrush current limiter as a solution of injection transformer oversizing in dynamic voltage restores” (2009) Proceedings – The 12th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2009, art. no. 5382735,


Gonzalez-Moran, C., Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Aleixandre-Fernandez, J.G. “Classification of rotational losses zones in stator cores of induction motors using fuzzy- clustering” (2008) Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM’08, art. no. 4800079,

Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Fuzzy-clustering as a tool for magnetic losses analysis in induction machines” (2008) Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM’08, art. no. 4799875.


Gonzalez-Moran, C., Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “Modeling photovoltaic DC primary sources as grid connected inverter supplies considering non linear effects” (2007) 2007 IEEE Canada Electrical Power Conference, EPC 2007, art. no. 4520305, pp. 50-55.

Arboleya, P., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., Hidalgo, A. “A new dynamic voltage restoration topology applied to a double connected solar plant” (2007) 2007 IEEE Canada Electrical Power Conference, EPC 2007


Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., Barrera, A., “Analysis of the core loss data fitting alternatives for induction motor loss computation” (2006) ICEM 2006 International Conference on Electrical Machines

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., Barrera, A., “Influences of values of the coefficients in Bertottis statistical expression on the loss figure computation in induction motors” (2006) ICEM 2006 International Conference on Electrical Machines


Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., De Abajo, N., Reigosa, D. “A case study of an electrolytic tinning line, with an analysis of faults in the power rectifiers” (2005) EUROCON 2005 – The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, II, art. no. 1630182, pp. 1247-1250. art. no. 4520356, pp. 353-358.

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J. “A wavelet approach applied to transformer fault protection: Signal processing” (2005) EUROCON 2005 – The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, II, art. no. 1630283, pp. 1634-1637.

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., Barrera, A., “Enhacement of study of MMF patterns in electrical machinery following a functional composition of temporal and spatial field variations” ISEF 2005 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields and Mechatronics,Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2005)

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gil, T., Barrera, A., “On the use of unsupervised neural networks to assist the dimensionality reduction in an induction motor redesign” ISEF 2005 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fileds and Mechatronics,Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2005)

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., DeAbajo, N. “An insightful approach on the representation of saturation and turn-to-turn faults in power transformers” WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages and Electric Machines (2005)

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gonzalez-Moran, C., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., “Validation procedure for new relay designs based on the use of unsupervised learning ANN’s” WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages and Electric Machines (2005)


Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., DeAbajo, N. “Application of Clarke transformation to the protection of multi-winding transformers” ARWTR2004 Advanced Research Workshop on Modern Transformers (2004)

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J., DeAbajo, N. “Influence of harmonic polluted loads on the performance of a proposed relay based on orthogonal transformation of the differential signal” ARWTR2004 Advanced Research Workshop on Modern Transformers (2004)

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J.,”A closer view into progressive internal faults in transformers by means of the analysis of instantaneous current sequences” ICEM 2004 International Conference on Electrical Machines (2004)

Arboleya, P., Diaz, G., Gomez-Aleixandre, J.,”A new power transformer relaying technique based on delta residual current as applied to three and four wired systems” ICEM 2004 International Conference on Electrical Machines (2004)

Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J.,”Clustering events related to restricted earth fault and differential relaying on the protection of power transformers” ICEM 2004 International Conference on Electrical Machines (2004)

Diaz, G., Arboleya, P., Gomez-Aleixandre, J.,”Power transformers overload forecasting using unsupervised learning neural networks” ICEM 2004 International Conference on Electrical Machines (2004)






(2020-2023) B2BEnergy – New Paths Towards Building-to-Building Decentralized Energy Management, Agency: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad 2017-2020, PID2019-111051RB-I00, Position:Part of the Research Team, Total Budget: 295ke, 2020-2023.

(2019-2021) TALENT – Cost Effective Technological Developments for Accelerating Energy Transition, Agency: European Commission, H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020, Position: Part of the Research Team, Total Budget: 3.996Me, University of Oviedo Budget: 373ke, 2019-2021.

(2018-2020) GENERCA: Electrical Energy Management in Residential and Commercial Buildings with Self-Consumption., Agency: Government of the Principality of Asturias FC-GRUPINIDI/ 2018/000241, Position: Part of the Research Team, Budget: 135ke, 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2020.

(2018 – 2021) Simulation of Litio-Ion Batteries/Simulación de Baterías Litio-Ion, Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Comisión Europea, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Position: Part of the Research Team, Budget: 152ke, 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2021.

(2017 – 2018) Integral management of electrical energy in elevators/ Gestión integral de energía eléctrica en elevadores y pasarelas, Agency: IDEPA INSTITUTO DE DESARROLLO ECONOMICO DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS, Budget: 35ke, 19/06/2017 to 19/06/2018. Position: Part of the Reseach Team

(2017 – 2019) CONCILIATOR – Energy conversion technologies in resilient hybrid AC/DC distribution networks/ Tecnologías de conversión de energía en redes híbridas resilientes AC/DC, Agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, ref. ENE2016- 77919-R, Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 254ke, 2017-2019.

(2016 – 2019) SIETEC: Desarrollo de un sistema para la mejora de la eficiencia energética en edificios basado en técnicas de cloud computing., Agency: Ministerio de Economía y competitividad – Comisión Europea, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, (RTC-2016-4792-3), Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 185ke, 2016 – 2019.

(2015-2017) LEMUR Laboratory for Enhanced Microgrid Unbalance Research, FC-15-GRUPIN14- 127 Agency: Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 80Ke, 2015-2017.

(2014-2017) MICROHOLO Development of a Holistic and Systematical Approach to AC Microgrids Design and Management, ENE2013-44245-R Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 170Ke, 2010-2013.

(2010-2013) SIENER Energetic management technologies for railway applications, MICINN-10- IPT-370000-2010-15, Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España,, Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 366Ke. 10/01/10-07/31/13

(2011–2013) Representation, plan and optimization of islanded microgrids based in renewable energy using stability and economical criteria, MICINN-10-ENE2010-14899, Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Gobierno de España, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 366Ke. 01/01/11-12/31/13

(2009–2011) Development and implementation of technological solutions for the 2025 Spanish grid, MICINN-09-PSS-120000-2009-28-30 Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Gobierno de España, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 255Ke. 01/12/09-04/31/11

(2007–2010) CETICA Project: The Eco Technological City. Steel-based industrialization for a more sustainable urban habitat, CENIT-07-ARCELOR-1 Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Gobierno de España, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 150Ke. 10/31/07-12/31/10

(2007–2010) DENISE Project: Smart, Safe and Efficient Energy Distribution, CENIT-07-DENISE Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Gobierno de España, Position: Part of the research team, Amount: 285Ke. 21/03/07-12/31/10

(2007–2010) Characterization of the injection transformer and its control in generation and compensation systems fed simultaneously by a distributed generation source, MEC-07- DPI2007-62577 Agency: Science and Education Ministry (Spanish Government), Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 65Ke. 10/01/07-09/30/10

(2007–2007) Study for creating an energy management system in weak distribution grids working on isolated mode, CN-07-120 Agency: FYCIT Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, Position: Principal Investigator, Amount: 35Ke. 01/01/07-12/31/07

(2005–2006) Neural network assisted optimization and design of induction motors through a deterministic/ stochastic combination, FC-04-PC-54 Agency: FYCIT – Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 25Ke. 01/13/05-12/31/06

(2004–2007) Power transformers transient response characterization and its application to the insulation in Clarke space, MEC-04-DPI2004-03573 Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología – Gobierno de España, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 55Ke. 12/15/04-12/15/07

(2002–2004) New electromagnetic models of power transformers with internal short-circuits for its application in predictive maintenance, MCT-01-DPI-3814 Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología – Gobierno de Espña, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 35Ke. 10/01/2002-03/31/2004.



(2020-2021) Development of an algorithm for the definition of the optimal reference in smart transformers, Ormazabal Corporate Technology, Budget: 12.4ke, 2020-2021 (12months). Position:Principal Investigator

(2020-2020) Railway infrastructure simulation, analysis and reporting using Railneos 2.0, CAF Turnkey & Enfineering, Budget: 5.5ke, 2019-2020 (6 months). Position: Principal Investigator

(2020-2020) Development of the graphic interface for studying a network model based on graph data bases for time series representation., Hidrocantábrico Distribución Eléctrica SAU., Budget: 24.9ke, 2019-2020 (6 months). Position: Principal Investigator

(2020-2020) Web-based real-time data control and monitoring center for power networks in a virtual reality environment., TSK Electrónica y Electricidad, Budget: 43.14ke, 2019-2020 (12 months). Position: Principal Investigator

(2019-2020) Development of a state estimation and monitoring system via web in real time applied to low voltage terminal distribution networks., Hidrocantábrico Distribución Eléctrica SAU., Budget: 24.9ke, 2019-2020 (6 months). Position: Principal Investigator

(2019-2019) Development of an IoT platform for SmartCities as a test bench for the 6LowPan network of the city of Gijón, T-Systems, Budget: 21ke, 2019-2019. Position: Principal Investigator

(2019-2020) Simulation system, data analysis and automatic generation of energy reports in electric networks of railway traction in DC/ Sistema de simulación, análisis de datos y generación automática de informes energéticos en redes eléctrica de tracción ferroviaria en DC, CAF Turnkey and Engineering, Budget: 102ke, 2019-2020. Position: Principal Investigator

(2018-2018) Development of tools for energy management at building level integrating the different equipment for transporting people and other loads generating the building/ Desarrollo de herramientas para la gestión energética a nivel de edificio integrando los distintos equipos de transporte de personas y otras cargas generadores del edificio, Thyssenkrupp Elevator Innovation Center, Budget: 18ke, 2018-2018. Position: Principal Investigator

(2018-2018)  Development of a model of the EDP electricity distribution network in the municipality of Pola de Siero to be solved statically through a calculation engine based on OpenDSS and analyzed using techniques based on Visual Analytics/Desarrollo de un modelo de la red de distribución de energía eléctrica de EDP en el término municipal de Pola de Siero para ser resuelto de forma estática a través de un motor de cálculo basado en OpenDSS y analizado mediante el uso de técnicas basadas en Visual Analytics, EDP España SA, Budget: 2.4ke, 2018-2018. Position: Principal Investigator

(2018-2018) Analysis of Applications and Uses of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality in the field of power systems and industrial applications/Análisis de Aplicaciones y Usos de la Realidad Virtual, Realidad Aumentada y Realidad Mixta en el ámbito de los sistemas de potencia y las aplicaciones industriales, Areclor Mittal, Budget: 16.3ke, 2018-2018. Position: Principal Investigator

(2018 – 2018) Test and Validation of Railway Infrastructure Simulation Software, CAF Turnkey and Engineering, Budget: 5.3ke, 2018-2018. Position: Principal Investigator.2018 – 2021 Development of a visual analytics tool for analysing and representing and analysing the on-board electrical network of the vehicles, Rucker Lypsa SL, Budget: 154ke, 2018- 2021. Position: Principal Investigator

(2018 – 2018) Development of a pilot system based on IoT for the control of public lighting and irrigation systems in smart cities using mobile application/ Desarrollo de un sistema piloto basado en IoT para el control de la iluminación pública y sistemas de riego en smart cities mediante aplicaciones móviles, T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU, Budget: 4.8ke, 2018-2018. Position: Principal Investigator

(2017-2020) Development of tools for electrical and thermal simulation of the in-vehicle network/ Desarrollo de herramientas para la simulación eléctrica y térmica la red de a bordo de vehículos, SEAT, Budget: 15108ke+ 135000ke, 2017-2020. Position: Principal Investigator

(2017-2017) Simulation of electrical storage/ Simulación de alamacenamiento eléctrico, Arcelor Mittal, Budget: 54216ke, 2017. Position: Part of the research team

(2016-2016) Pilot energy storage plant/Planta piloto de almacenamiento de energía, FUO-170-16 Arcelor, Budget: 45000ke, 2016. Position: Part of the research team

(2015-2017) ESTEFI – Effcient and Sustainable Development of Intermodal Station, FUO-EM- 155-15 CAF Transport Engineering, Budget: 91Ke, Sept 2015 – Feb 2017 Position: Principal Investigator.

(2014-2014) Large Scale Integration of Wind Power in the Nordic Power System, FUO-EM-051-14 Vattenfall Vindkraft AB Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 13.2Ke, 01/02/2014- 30/09/2014.

(2013-2013) Graphical interface and post-processor of software package for electrical railway simulations, FUO-EM-1189-13 Construcciones y Auxialiar de Ferrocarriles (CAF SA.), Position: Principal Investigator, Amount: 9Ke. 06/24/2013-12/31/2013

(2011-2013) Technical-Economical study of a fast charging system for trams with ultra-capacitors, FUO-EM-156-11 Construcciones y Auxialiar de Ferrocarriles (CAF SA.), Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 30Ke. 05/03/2011-03/31/2013

(2010–2012) Cityelec: Electrification Systems for Urban Mobility, FUO-EM-056-10 Hidroelectrica del Cantabrico, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 31Ke. 01/01/2010-03/05/2012

(2011-2012) Development of a software simulator for electrical railway networks including a dynamical multi-train environment for power flow analysis and optimization, FUO-EM- 158-11 Construcciones y Auxialiar de Ferrocarriles (CAF SA.), Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 51Ke. 05/03/2011-12/31/2012

(2011–2012) Substituting contactors by solid state semiconductors in railways applications, FUOEM- 155-11 Construcciones y Auxialiar de Ferrocarriles (CAF SA.), Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 46Ke. 05/03/2011-03/31/2012

(2009-2011) Strategies evaluations for setting up wind park for new operation procedures requirements by means of simulations and small scale tests, FUO-EM-314-09, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 49Ke. 10/10/2009-10/09/2011

(2010–2011) Fault detection and location in distribution networks using self organizing maps, FUO-EM-300-10 Hidroelectrica del Cantabrico, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 45Ke. 10/01/2010-04/30/2011

(2010–2010) Fault in power plant derived from the anti-islanding protection, FUO-EM-223-10 CTIC Foundation, Position: Principal Investigator, Budget: 1Ke. 06/17/2010-07/17/2010

(2008–2009) Technical-Economic analysis for a combined heat and power system based in gas furnaces with Stirling motors, FUO-EM-213-08 Hidroelectrica del Cantabrico, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 16Ke. 09/26/2008-03/26/2009

(2006-2007) Technical and economical impact study derived from the development and implementation of an electrical microgrid in a steel industry using the energetic surpluses, CN-06-126-IE05-113 ARECELORMITTAL SPAIN, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 22Ke. 02/24/2006-12/31/2007

(2004–2004) LAUREL: Design of induction motors (sizes IEC 132 2 and 4 poles) and improvement of the efficiency of motors (sizes IEC 90 and 100 2 and 4 poles), CN-03-151 ASEA BROWN BOVERI SA, Position: Part of the research team, Budget: 17Ke. 04/01/2004-10/05/2004





Pablo Arboleya, Arpan Koirala, Lucía Suárez-Ramón, Bassam Mohamed (2019), “Non- Synthetic European Low Voltage Test System”, Mendeley Data, v1 10.17632/685vgp64sm.1. Accessed: Nov. 14, 2019.

Islam El-Sayed, Komal Khan, Pablo Arboleya, Xavier Dominguez, “A Real Pilot-Platform Implementation forBlockchain-Based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading”, IEEE Dataport, 2019. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Nov. 14, 2019.

Pablo Arboleya, Bassam Mohamed, Islam El-Sayed, Cristina Gonzalez-Moran, “2x25KV Railway Feeding System Simulation Database”, IEEE Dataport, 2019. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Nov. 14, 2019.





2019 Visiting Professor at Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) – Paris, France. During this short research state, a very specific collaboration in the field of electric railway simulators will be carried out, the research will be focused in solving the problem of power flow in DC railways when all substations are blocked. (1month) – Approved – 01/07/2019-31/07/2010

2017 Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester, UK, during this stay I gave seminars on the modeling of accumulation systems in railway systems and discussed agreements to establish future collaborations between the University of Manchester and the University of Oviedo on teaching and research issues, from 17 to 27 of June, 2017

2017 Visiting Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ingenharia de Coimbra – Portugal, during this teaching stay I gave a course on modeling railway networks to master students, the stay was from 2 to 6 May 2017

2016 Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia- Vancouver, Canada, during this stay I collaborated with the power systems group of the Canadian University in the development of a system for the allocation of losses in distribution networks, the results of this research are currently in the publication phase. (3 months) 01/05/2016 – 31/07/2016

2014 Visiting Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States. During this short research state, a collaboration in the field of small footprint electrical network was started between the University of Oviedo and Univerisity of Illinois. The research is focused in DC power flow modelling, not only for DC distribution netwoks, but also for DC traction networks. (2months) 05/01/2014-07/01/2014

2013 Visiting Professor at The University of Rome (La Sapienza), Italy. The aim of this stay was the participation in the research project “Smart grid design for an energy efficient and environmentally sustainable mobility system in smart cities. Models for energy analysis implementation on the power systems and experimental tests” developed in the Electrical Engineering Dept. of the above mentioned university. (2 months) 05/20/2013-07/20/2013





2019 Railneos 3.0: Software developed by the lemur group for the company CAF Turnkey and Engineering for the resolution of rail power systems in DC, AC and multilevel systems for high speed, which includes visual analytics module, aggregated data analysis module and automatic reporting module.

2017 Railneos 2.0: Software developed by the lemur group for the company CAF Turnkey and Engineering for the resolution of rail power systems in DC, AC and multilevel systems for high speed, which includes visual analytics module.

2017 DCTS.exe: Calculation engine for continuous networks with distributed feeding system, storage systems and loads with non-derivable characteristics. (Property of the Lemur group of the University of Oviedo). 2017 ACTS.exe: Calculation engine for alternating and multilevel rail feed systems for high speed. (Owned by the LEMUR group of the University of Oviedo).

2015 GenMIx: Software for selecting the optimal distributed generation system (in terms of reliability and costs) to be installed in residential buildings. OpenSource tool available for download on the website of the LEMUR group of the University of Oviedo.

2014 Railneos 1.0: Software developed by the lemur group for CAF Transport and Engineering for the resolution and visualization of results in DC railway networks for trams and light trains.

2015 OPGrid: MATLAB-based tool for calculating balanced load flows in transmission systems that include FACTS. 2003



2004 Patent – P200400001 2245580 – Device for fault detection in power transformers or bus-bars through park transform. Spanish Patent.





2020 Modelado del avance del rayo líder descendente, su velocidad, el punto de encuentro con el rayo líder ascendente del campo eléctrico en un punto alejado del impacto y de la distancia de cebado – Modeling of the stepper leader, its speed, the meeting point with the upward leader, the electric field at a point far from the impact and the arcing distance, Author: Aníbal Seminario Garía, Advisor: Pablo Arboleya, Cristina González-Morán, The University of Oviedo.

2018 Load Flow Resolution Algorithms in Special Networks with Non-Linear and Non-derivable devices/ Algoritmos de resolución de flujos de cargas en redes especiales con dispositivos no lineales y no derivables, Author: Bassam Mohamed, Advisor: Pablo Arboleya, The University of Oviedo.

2012 Unified AC/DC power flow applied to railway networks, Author: Manuel Coto Garcia, Advisor: Pablo Arboleya, Guzmán Díaz González,  The University of Oviedo.





2016 Selection of the paper “Current injection based Power Flow Algorithm for bilevel 2x25kV railway systems,” 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) for the “Best Papers Section”

2015 Selection of the paper Step-Voltage Regulator Model Test System IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (IEEE – PES GM’15)- Denver, USA for the “Best Papers Section”

2014 Third Prize EDP University Challenge as Supervising Professor of the project of a system of calculation of the system of generation and storage of the NZEB (Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings) 15/18

2008 Extraordinary PhD. Award from the Universidad de Oviedo. Thesis Title: “On the dilemma Failure/Connection in the differential protection of three-phase power transformers, approach and solution by means of transient characterization in the Park space/Sobre el dilema Fallo/Conexión en la protección diferencial de transformadores trifásicos de potencia, planteamiento y solución mediante la caracterización transitoria en el espacio de Park”





2020 Techno-Economical Optimisation of 50kV AC Railway Networks Author: Igor Perin, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

2020 Improving the Electrical Infrastrcuture of DC-Electrified Railway Systems to Increase Energy Efficiency, Taking into account Complex Topologies and Representative Traffic Scenarios. Author: David Roch Dupré. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, ICAI, Spain 2019 Stability of Low Frequency AC Railways Author: John Laury, University of Lulea, Sweeden

2018 Analysis, Simulation and Operation of Advanced Converter-based electrical railway power supply systems for high-speed lines Author: Daniel Serrano Jimenez, Universidad Carlos III, Spain

2017 Control and Stability of AC/DC Microgrids Author: Eneko Unamuno, Universidad de Mondragon, Spain 16/18

2016 Intelligent multi-objective optimisation of energy dimensioning in signalled railway systems and software platforms in real time/Optimización multiobjetivo inteligente del dimensionamiento energético en sistemas ferroviarios señalizados y en plataformas software en tiempo real Autor: Manuel Soler Nicolau. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

2016 Optimising the electrical infrastructure of MTSS to improve the use of regenerative braking Autor: Álvaro Jesús López López. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, ICAI, Spain

2011 Integración en la red eléctrica de microrredes electrotérmicas: Dimensionado, estrategias de gestión energética e implementación experimental Author: Javier Barricarte Rivas. Universidad Pública de Navarra

2010 Algoritmo para reparto de niveles de generación de potencia activa entre generadores no renovables de una microrred eléctrica basado en funciones de coste. Autor: Eduardo Alvarez. Universidad de Oviedo





IEEE Senior Member

IEEE Member of the Vehicular Technology Society

IEEE Member of Power and Energy Society

IEEE Member of Transportation Electrification Community

IEEE Member of Transportation Electrification Community Educational Committee

IEEE Member of Electric Vehicles Community

IEEE Member of Smart Grid Community



2020 International Advisory Committee member, 14th IEEE POWERTECH, hold in MADRID, SPAIN, from 27 June through 2 July, 2021

2020 Technical committee member, IEEE-PESA 2020 The 8th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA). Future Mobility and Future Power Transfer. December, 7-10, Hong Kong

2020 Memeber of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Railway Engineering Science, from SPRINGER since January

2020 up to the date. 40534 2019 Member of the Editorial Board of the World Electric Vehicle Journal from MDPI, since July 2019 up to the date.

2019 Keynote Speaker at the 3rd International Symposium on Smart Grid Methods, Tools and Technologies (Jinan, China; 16-19 September 2019), Organized by The University of Manchester (UK) and Shandong University.

2019 Invited Speaker at IEEE VTS EMR Summer School, Presenting – “EMR of different models of DC railway system supplied with non-reversible substations”, in collaboration with Clement Mayet, and Philippe Delarue

2019 Session chair at IEEE VTS EMR Summer School, “Modelling and Control Using Energetic Macroscopic Representation, Application to hybrid electric vehicles and others”, Lille, France, Oral Session 8, OA -2, Other Applications, 16-19, June, 2019

2019 Invited speaker to the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Emerging Technology of Transportation Electrification, Organized by IEEE, University of Tsinghua, Southwest Jiaotong University, CRRC Zhuzhou Institute LTD. 2019/5/17-19, Chengdu, China.

2019 Session Chair at 13th IEEE PES PowerTech – 2019, Milan, Italy – Oral Session TS 4H – Innovative Grids in Energy Hybrid Systems Integration, Thursday, June 27

2019 International Advisory Committee Memeber of the 13th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference, IEEE, 2019, Milan, Italy

2015 Technical Committee member of the 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC)

2016 Technical Committee member of the 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC)

2017 Technical Committee member of the 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC)

2018 Chairman of the regular track session in “Charging Systems and Infrastructures” of the conference “IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC)”, Chicago, US, 2018

2017 Chairman of the special session “Innovative Efficient Systems for Future Railway Applications” of the conference “IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC)” Belfort – France, 2017

2014 Associate Editor, Springer Journal, Intelligent Industrial Systems (From 2014)

2015 Technical committee member, IEEE-PESA 2015 The 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA). Electric Transportation – Automotive, Vessel and Aircraft. December, 15-17, Hong Kong

2015 Chairman, 13th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, IEEEEEEIC 2015,June 10-13, Rome, Technical Session 6 (E1-TS2): Power Systems And Smart GRid -1

2015 Technical committee member, IEEE-EEEIC 2015 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Power Systems and Smart Grid Section 2010 R&D projects evaluator for AENOR (Spanish Agency for Standardisation)

2006 Member, Economic Commission of the Electrical Engineering Department of The University of Oviedo. (2006-Present)

2012 Chairman, 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, EPE-PEMC 2012, ECCE Europe, Session LS7

2013 Technical committee member, SmartMILE 2013 International Conference on New Concepts in Smart Cities, Microgrids and Smartgrids section

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Smartgrids

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Reviewer, IEEE Power Engineering Letters

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Reviewer, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Elsevier

Reviewer, Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier

Reviewer, International transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Wiley









(2011- Present) – Coordinator of the Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems Master Degree (University of Oviedo)

(2011- Present) – Member of the academic commission of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems University of Oviedo, Uni- versity of Nottingham, University of Rome (La Sapienza), Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra

(2008- Present) – Coordinator of the Electrical Enginiering section of “Schneider Electric Teaching Lab”



(2011) Unified AC/DC power flow applied to railway networks, Author: Manuel Coto Garcia, Advisor: Pablo Arboleya, The University of Oviedo.


(2005-Present) Advisor of more than 250 Thesis for B.S. degree in electrical engineering and M.S. degree in electrical engineering (University of Oviedo)



(2013) Modelling FACTS for power flow purposes: A common framework, Seminar for PhD. Students, Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Rome (La Sapienza)

(2005) Operational procedures and grounding systems in electrical substations. Short course for employees, GAMESA

(2003 – Present) More than 10 short courses and summer courses in the fields of Electrical Facilities, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Power Quality



(2011-2013) ELEVTRA Training professionals for the maintenance of EVs and charging stations, (Leonardo da Vinci Programme), Agency: European Commission, Involve- ment: Co-Investigator, Amount: 85Ke. 01/10/11-09/30/14



(2011 – Present) “Economical and Financial Analysis”, “Regulation and Directives”, “Electri- cal Markets”, “Electrical energy project management (renewable and con- ventional)” and “Energy strategies and policies”, Coordinator of the mentioned subjects of the Electrical Energy Conversion Master Course and Erasmus Mundus Master Courses in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems, These subjects are tough by external professor, so my role as a coordinator involves the management of the travels, schedules, the coordination among the professors….

(2011 – Present) Coordinator of several internships agreements in the frame of the International Master in Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems with companies like EDP Renewables, Hidroelectrica del Cantabrico, ABB



(2011) Integration of electro-thermal microgrids in the electrical network: Sizing, energy management strategies and experimental implementation Author: Javier Barricate Rivas. UPNA (Public University of Navarre)

(2010) Cost functions based algorithm for active power sharing among non- renewable generators in an electrical microgrid. Author: Eduardo Alvarez. The University of Oviedo



2013 -2014

Microgrids and Smartgrids,  Common in (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree) and (Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems), tough in English language. The University of Oviedo, The University of Nottingham, The University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra.
Power Systems for Electrical Transportation, (Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems), subject leader, tough in English language. The University of Oviedo, The University of Nottingham, The University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra
FACTS and HVDC, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), subject leader, tough in English language. The University of Oviedo
Power Systems and Distributed Generation, (B.S. in Electronics Engineering and Automation Degree), subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Electrical Engineering Degree), subject leader. The University of Oviedo


2012 -2013

Microgrids and Smartgrids, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), tough in English language. The University of Oviedo
FACTS and HVDC, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), subject leader, tough in English language. The University of Oviedo
Electrical Energy Transport, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), subject leader, tough in English language. The University of Oviedo
Introduction to renewable energy power systems, electrical traction and en- ergy efficiency, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), tough in English language. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Electrical Engineering Degree), subject leader. The University of Oviedo )


2011 -2012

Electrical Energy Transport, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), subject leader.The University of Oviedo
Analysis, modeling and simulation of electric power systems, (M.S. in Elec- trical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree), tough in English language. The University of Oviedo
Introduction to renewable energy power systems, electrical traction and energy efficiency, tough in English language, (M.S. in Electrical Energy conversion and Power Systems Degree). The University of Oviedo
Electrical Technology, (M.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Electrical Engineering. The University of Oviedo


2010 -2011

Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- trical Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical machines II, (M.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Electrical Engineering. The University of Oviedo


2009 -2010

Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- tronics Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- trical Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical machines II, (M.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Electrical Engineering. The University of Oviedo


2008 -2009

Predictive maintenance of electrical machines: fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis, (PhD. Courses in Process control, industrial electronics and electrical engineering), Specialization: Electronics Engineering. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- tronics Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- trical Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical machines II, (M.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Electrical Engineering. The University of Oviedo


2007 -2008

Predictive maintenance of electrical machines: fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis, (PhD. Courses in Process control, industrial electronics and electrical engineering), Specialization: Electronics Engineering.The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- tronics Engineering, subject leader.The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- trical Engineering, subject leader.The University of Oviedo
Electrical machines II, (M.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Electrical Engineering.The University of Oviedo


2006 -2007

Predictive maintenance of electrical machines: fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis, (PhD. Courses in Process control, industrial electronics and electrical engineering), Specialization: Electronics Engineering. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- tronics Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- trical Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo


2005 – 2006

Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- tronics Engineering, subject leader.The University of Oviedo
Electrical technology fundamentals, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Spe- cialization: Mechanical Engineering, subject leader.The University of Oviedo
Circuits theory, (M.S. in Telecommunication Engineering Degree). The University of Oviedo
Circuits theory, (M.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree). The University of Oviedo


2004 – 2005

Electrical facilities, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Specialization: Elec- tronics Engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical technology fundamentals, (B.S. in Industrial Engineering Degree), Spe- cialization: Electronics Engineering. The University of Oviedo
Electro-technical engineering, (B.S. in Forestry Engineering Degree), Specializa- tion: Forestry production, subject leader. The University of Oviedo
Electrical technology, (B.S. in Mining Engineering Degree), Specialization: Min- eral and metallurgy engineering, subject leader. The University of Oviedo




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335204, Gijon, Asturias, SPAIN
Tel: (0034) 985182283
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